Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Changing South

First of all Seattle is not in the South, I have been to the south, more specifically Georgia, and it had a completely different feel than Seattle. The southern culture is good and unique too, I love their southern hospitality and it made me feel very welcome. However, Seattle does have it's own culture as well. They are well known for their music and festivities. Major arts organizations include Seattle Symphony, Seattle Opera and the Pacific Northwest Ballet, numerous art galleries, the Seattle Asian Art Museum, the Experience Music Project rock and roll museum. Festival celebrations include SEAFAIR, Northwest folklife, Seattle International Film Festival. Seattle hosts large-scale musical concerts and has gained gained international attention as the place of origin of trend-setting rock, pop and jazz groups. As you can see Seattle has grown its own culture; "Southerners find comfort in a shared sense of being southern" likewise people in Seattle take their own pride in being born, raised, or residents of Seattle, it may not be as strong as Southerners pride but it is there. I have never been to SEAFAIR but have seen pictures and it seems very diverse, hopefully someday I can take part of it.
Slavery had a very big impact in the South, as of today many African Americans reside in the South, in Seattle its African American population is not as big. In 2000, Seattle's African American total population was 8.4%. In the South, "By the first U.S. Census in 1790, blacks comprised 39.1 percent of Virginia's population, 43 percent of South Carolina's, 25.5 percent of North Carolina's, and 35.4 percent of Georgia's. This was the percentage in 1790 which  as of today still doesn't compare to Seattle's.
The South has undergone good change for example, "Today's Atlanta is a business, financial, and commercial center without peer in the South. Enterprises from Coca-Cola to CNN originated in Atlanta and continue to be based there". This can relate to Seattle because they too have been home to big companies and it has helped boost their economy in the same fashion that Coca-Cola and CNN helped boost economy in Atlanta.

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Appalachia and the Ozarks

Seattle is very different from Appalachia and the Ozarks. In our book "The mountains continue to create problems for transportation, and this affects the pattern, pace and forms of regional economic development". Seattle in this way is very different, because Seattle has a very well economy that flourishes every year. The mountains are not a problem for Seattle and do not obstruct their transportation. For Seattle their very important transportation route, in terms of economic growth, is the ocean, this is where they import and export goods. Another thing is "In a nation where immigration, education, and commerce added more and more disparate elements to the total population, Appalachia became increasingly unusual because it simply remained unchaged until well past the middle of the twentieth century". Seattle has its share of migration that dates back to the early settlement but it was not late on it like the Appalachia. I'm sure that they can both have the commonality of immigration, education, commerce adding a little disparement, at first, but Seattle has its share of culture and from the looks of it it is doing just fine as a city. From reading this chapter, Seattle is not in the same problem as the Appalachia. Appalachia is defined as "The term Appalachia widely connotes isolation and poverty". Seattle is not isolated nor poor, like I said before its economic development has grown an is doing very well. The Seattle MSA accounts for 1.93 million jobs and has an estimated gross metropolitan product of $218.77 billion. Seattle is clearly not like the Appalachia and the Ozarks.

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Bypassed East

In ways Seattle relates to the Bypassed East, because "The Bypassed East is no place for people who want a dry, warm climate. It is a place where polar, continental, and maritime weather systems meet. The resulting weather regime is seldom hot, often coldm and usually damp." Seattle, I believe, only has six weeks of summer and it is not summer like in the San Fernando Valley, which hits the 100 degrees range. Seattle is a pretty cold city with much rain, and the Bypassed East is similar to Seattle in terms of its climate. "Almost all of the region receives substatial and evenly distributed precipitation, usually between 100 and 150 centimeters (40 to 60 inches) annually and spread throughout the year. Snowfall can be substantial, with most places receiving between 25 and 50 percent of their total moisture as snow." In Seattle, high temperatures in July average about 75 degrees Farenheit (24 degrees Celcius), while low high temperatures in winter drop below freezing an average of 15 days per year. Average yearly rainfall in Seattle is 36.2 inches. In regards to snow, it does snow in Seattle but not significantly; Seattle is most known for its rain.
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Fishing is another topic that relates to the Bypassed East and Seattle. I remember being a little girl and having my stepfather fly out to Seattle often because he was working for Trident Seafoods, a company that fishes to stay in business, and he would always tell me that Seattle was a great place to go fishing. Fishermen's Terminal serves as the homeport for the U.S. North Pacific fishing fleet and is a growing center for other commercial workboats as well. The facility includes a wide array of on-site businesses catering specifically to the needs of the commercial fishing and workboat industries.


In addition, as stated in our book, "Tourism is a cornerstone of norther New England's economy. Located near Megalopolis, attractions such as skiing and snowboarding resorts are within a day's drive of 50 million Americans." Tourism is takes a great part in Seattle, Among the most popular urban attractions are the Seattle Center and the space needle, Pike Place Market, the Hiram Chittenden Locks, Woodland Park Zoo, Tillicum Indian Village, Seattle Aquarium, waterfront, lakeside and sound beaches, Pioneer Square, International District, and local wineries and breweries. Outdoor activities include boating, fishing, golf, water sports, hiking, biking, mountain climbing and skiing. The Seattle-King County area attracts more than 8.8 million overnight visitors anually who spend $6.9 billion and contribute more than $416 million in state and local tax revenues. Direct visitor sending supports 50,000 jobs in the Seattle region.

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The North American Manufacturing Core

"Manufactured products are everywhere around us- in clothing, in food, in residences and office towers, in transportation and communication, in computers and televisions, and more. Seattle has a very good manufacturing industry in the city such as Microsoft, Nordstrom, Amazon, Costco, Starbucks and Alaska Airlines. Seattle has been home to many other companies such as Washingto Mutual (now known as J.P. Morgan "Chase" bank), Red Robbin Gourmet Burgers, Eddie Bauer etc. Seattle is a great city for manufacturing since the port is such an easy access for trading and bringing in supplies to help create companies or expansion and more, manufacturing. Seattle has many companies and has potential to grow many more, so as seen here Seattle definitely has Manufacturing.

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Friday, March 18, 2011


From what I have read in the book, and about Seattle, Seattle is not a Megalopolis place; it does have potential to become it some day, but as of now it is not. "Megalopolis formed along the northeastern coast of the United States by the gradual coaslescence of large, independent metropolitan areas such as Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C.... And urban forms-manifested by dense patterns of streets and buildings, industrial centers, retail and wholesale clusters, and government complexes-are never far away" Seattle, Washington does have characteristics of a megalopolis but it is not like a megalopolis in New York or Los Angeles. Seattle is a little less urban than other states in the United States.

Some of the characteristics that can relate to Seattle in regards to Megalopolis is education and transportation. In our book it states "Of the more than 22.5 million persons employed in Megalopolis in 2002, a higher than average proportion worked in white-collar and professional occupations. Transportation and communication activities are also prominent because of the region's coastal position." Seattle has a very good education system and 56.0 percent of people over 25 graduate with a Bachelors of Arts degree or higher. Seattle has a good transportation system as well. Seattle has Railroads and Bus services and provides passenger service to major U.S. cities through Amtrak. The public transportation network includes a trolley line, light rail, commuter rail, and over 100 miles of HOV lanes and regional express bus routes.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Foundations of Human Activity

Chapter 3 discusses European Settlement, and it explains who "Pre-European North America was home to". Seattle was home to Native Americans at some point. Settlers first arrived in 1851 moving to what is now the historic Pioneer Square district, where a protected deep-water harbour was available. This village was soon named Seattle, after a local Indian leader named Sealth who had befriended the settlers. Chief Seattle also known as Sealth, was a leader of the Suquamish and Duwamish Native American tribes in what is now the U.S. state of Washington. He was a prominent figure among his people and pursued a path of accommodation to white settlers. Seatlh was born around 1786 on or near Blake Island, Washington. He was tall and broad for a Puget Sound native at nearly six feet; Hudson's Bay Company traders gave him the nickname Le Gros (The Big One). Sealth was baptized in the Roman Catholic Church, and given the baptismal name Noah, probably in 1848 near Olympia, Washington. Before it got the name Seattle in late 1852, the city was known as Duwamps. Migrants flowed into the city. There were significant communitites of Italians, Chinese, Jews, Scandinavians and Filipinos. The International District, home to several Asian ethnic groups, was largely developed during this period (1900's).
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Population was another topic and it explains how the U.S. has a big population that by 2000 exceeded 281 million. Population in Seattle in 2010 was estimated to be 612,000 in Seattle, 3,707,400 in the Metro Area and 15,069,765 in the Pacific NW Region. As per the census of 200, the total population of hte city of Seattle is 563,374 and the total number of households is 258,499. According to the US Census Bureau, 2005 American Community Survey, the total population in the 2005 was 536,946. Seattle is inhabited by people belonging to various race or ethnic origin. Whites form 68.9% of the total population that is 369,689. There were 43,914 African American in Seattle in 2005 which is 8.2% of the population. There are just 6,336 people from American Indian and Alaska constituting of 1.2% of the total city population. There are 77,363 Asians in the city of Seattle who constitute 14.4% of the total population. Asian population comprise of Chinese, Indian, Vietnamese, Pakistan, Korean, Filipino and from other Asian origin. The total number of people of Asian origin in Seattle are: Chinese:20,774, Vietnamese: 10,602, Filipino: 21,950, Korean: 3,111, Japanese: 10,808, adn other Asian: 6,801. The population of people belonging to Hispanic or Latino ethnicity are 33,707 which is 6.3%. The native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders constitute only 0.3% of the total city population. Apart from these races, other races form 3.2% of the city population. 

"The U.S. and Canadian populations are largely urban. By residing in urban locations, North Americans live in environments with a very different character from what was experienced a few short generations ago".The United States has a far higher urbanization level than China, India or Nigeria, but a far slower annual urbanizaion rate, since much less of the population is living in a rural area while in the process of moving to the city. In terms of place, urbanization means increased spatial scale and/or density of settlement and/or business and other activities in the area over time. The land area in Seattle is 84 square miles, the population, as of April 1, 2010, is 612,000, and the population density is 7,286 people per sqaure mile. The population of Seattle more than tripled from 1900-1910, 81,000 to 237,000. Its urbanization today is 2,712,205.

Culture and Religion were other two topics described in our book, "At general level, culture is a people's assemblage of beliefs and learned behavior. A common culture bonds people together, whether an ethnic or social group, or residents of a region or country". This can tie into religion, because religion can be cultural as well. Cristianity was brought in by Europeans and Roman Catholicism was widely distributed by Hispanics, and these religions are practiced in Seattle.
Seattle has a lot of culture preserved in its city, it has the highest per-capita music and dance attendance in the country, with 80 live music clubs and 15 symphony orchestras. The Seattle International Film Festival in mid-May to june showcases world film and new world filmmakers. Seattle has 29 professional theatres. 56 fringe thatre companies and seven theatre schools. The Nordic Heritage Museum is the country's only museum honoring heritage of peopple from five Nordic countries. Seafair is a massive two-month summer festival that showcases the traditions and diversity of Puget Sound with parades, festivals, triathlons, hydroplane races and air shows. The Wing Luke Museum in Chinatown/International District is the country's only museum devoted to Asian-American history, with displays on immigration, the arts and traditional medicine.
All major religions are represented in the greater Seattle area. In addition to various Protestant, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches, there are numerous Jewish synagogoues, Buddhist temples and Islamic mosques.

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Geographic Patterns of the Physical Environment

Chapter 2 was a little on Physical Environment, "Where you live affects how much and what part of the physical environment you notice, but the amount of attention is governed by how the physical environment is modified". In Seattle you can definitely see it's physical environment. The ocean at the side of it and nice mountains around it. Seattle's environment is one of it's own. I really don't think that there is another state like Seattle. Seattle is located between Puget Sound to the west and Lake Washington to the east. The city's chief harbor, Elliot Bay, is an inlet of Puget Sound. To the west, beyond Puget Sound, are the Kitsap Peninsula and Olympic Mountains on the Olympic Peninsula; to the east, beyond Lake Washington and the eastside suburbs, are Lake Sammamish and the Cascade Range. Lake Washington's water flow to Puget Sound through the Lake Washington Ship canal, Lake Union, and the HIram C. Chittended Locks at Salmon Bay, ending in Shilshole Bay.

The city is essentially hilly. The city lie on seven hills including the Capitol Hill, Queen Anne, First Hill, West Seattle, Beacon Hill and Denny Hill. The hilliest areas are concentrated near the city center. Capitol Hill, First Hill and Beacon Hill collectively forms a ridge between the Elliot Bay and Lake Washington. The layout orientation of Seattle downtown has been reshaped by various man made constructions like the Lake Washington Ship canal an artificial waterway linking Puget Sound and Lake Washington, Harbor Island an artificial island constructed in the mouth of Duwamish Waterway. Downtown Seattle is a busy commercial center with high rise buildings and residential areas overlooking a panoramic waterfront.
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Mountains were discussed in the book, and Seattle has many of them. Mountains are a great part of the physical landscape and it is in many places among the U.S. Seattle, Washington is home to a total of 12 mountain summits and peaks: Beckstrom Hill Summit, Blakely Rock Pillar, Cougar Mountain Summit, Denny HIlls Summit, Duwasmish Head Cliff, First Hill Summit, MAgnolia Bluff Cliff, Newcastle Hills Range, Norway Hill Summit, Orchard Rocks Summit, Pigeon Point Cliff and Queen Anne Hill Summit.
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Climate was another topic in Chapter 2 and it explains how climate affects the states, and how its depending on its latitude the weather behaves respectively. "Proximity to large water bodies also tends to produce more precipitation, with coastal precipitation, with coastal locations receiving generally higher amounts." this is a perfect example of Seattle. Downtown Seattle averages 71 clear (sunny) days a year, with most of those days occuring between May and September. Seattle weather is mild and can be classified as typical Marine West Coast climate. It also exhinits some characteristics of a Mediterranean climate with wet winters and dry summers. The topographical features play vital roles in controlling Seattle climate. Seattle's mild winters and cool summers work together to make the city lush and green, earning it the nickname "The Emerald City". Water bodies like the Pacific Ocean and the Puget Sound have a moderating effect on the extreme temperatures. The harsh effects of the Pacific Storm are nulled by the huge Olympic mountains, which obstruct its way whereas, the chilly Arctic air is stopped by the Cascade Range. In spite of lying on the rain shadow area of the Olympic Mountains the city receives rainfall throughout the year. Seattle receives frequent rains in the form of drizzle or light rains with occasional downpours. The normal average yearly rainfall in Seattle is approximately 37 inches. Most of the time cloudy skies prevail over Seattle. Heavy rainfall occurs between January and May and between October and June. Best time to visit Seattle are the dry months of June, July and August. Seattle summers are usually cool and mild. Specific years are characterized by a week long heat spells. Weatehr in Seattle during the summers is usually dry with occasional thunderstorms. Seattle winters are also mild with less days of snowfall. A number of damaging winter storms and, wind storms and low land snow have occurred during years 2006 and 2007. However, the Puget Sound Convergence weather syndrome, causes unpredictable fluctuations with rains and thunderstorms even during the dry months. this unique meteorological phenomena is caused when the Olympic mountains deflect the winds blowing from the Pacific. These winds converge again over the Pugent Sound causing convectional rainfall, in the form of drizzle or a thunderstorm. Wind components determine the intensity of the turbulence.

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Regions and Themes

Seattle, Washington is in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. and is one of the largest cities there. It is  also borderline with Canada. Geographically Seattle is located between the co-ordintaes 47.37 North latitude and 122.20 West longitude; with a total land area of 83.9 square miles. Like stated in our book "For decades, geographers have subdivided Canada and the United States into broad areas of distinctive character, terming these areas "regions". Often, the subdividing process begins when a single classification category is selected, such as physiography, climate, ethnicity, or economic activities. Areas containing similar qualities or quantities of the chosen category are identified as (physiographic,climatic, etc.) regions." Like shown in the picture below, Seattle is separated into its own region among the United States.
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As learned in our book, Industrialization is composed by special components called Economic Activities and Basic Activities. Seattle is a perfect example of the use of these two components. There are many small retail shops that recirculate money in Seattle and trading helps bring income into its economy as well. Seattle trade and industry thrived even before the city actually came into proper shape. The main reason being the strategic location of the city at Washington. Seattle's trade history started with the transactions at the Port of Seattle. In the mid 1800's, many timber traders selected the location on the Pacific Rim for its natural deep harbor. International trading began in Seattle in 20th Century. Seattle advanced from a resource-based economy to extensive manufacturing based economy, over the years. Recently, the circle of trade and industry in Seattle is a knowledge and service-based economy. Seattel is known for its diverse industrial sectors. The major reason for this industrial diversity has been blend of cultures because of international trade and immigration of people from various parts of the world to Seattle. The Port of Seattle is considered to be the major seat of trade in Seattle.
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Our book mentioned Political Complexity and how the U.S. has a complex political system. "Each county, city, town, and sometimes township is governed by its own elected officials." Seattle relates in this way, because it has a political system and a real good one. The city of Seattle has earned global recognition primarily due to the smart functioning of the Seattle Government. The Seattle Department of Executive Administration plays a major role in maintaining law and order in the city. All the measures are taken by the various departments of the administration for the betterment of the living conditions of the Seattle people.Education, job openings, business growth are well taken care of by the respective departments of the Seattle Government. The Mayor of Seattle heads the Executive department of Seattle. The mayor is assisted extensively by a number of offices and departments like City Council, City Attorney, Municipal Court. The Mayor elections are held after every four years. The Federal elections, State elections are also held at regular intervals in the city. The elections in Seattel are held under the observation of the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission. Few of the political parties in Seattle include King County Democrats, King County Republican Party, Green Party of Seattle, Seattle Libertarian Party. Few of them are concerned with the national issues, while a few fight mainly over the local issues of Seattle.
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